Outreach & Education

Our Domestic Violence Outreach and Education program has been working diligently for years to bring awareness and education to our communities through interactive displays and presentations at middle schools and high schools, colleges, local organizations and community events, as well as through various public service media campaigns.
Peoples hands on the earth with a purple ribbon by it.

Responding to domestic violence in only part of the larger picture. To truly put an end to the pervasive cycle of domestic violence within families, we must reach out, particularly to our youth, with information, education and supports to help break the cycle of behaviors that lead to abuse.

Our Outreach Efforts

Through partnerships with local schools, colleges and community organizations, we’re working to educate youth about what interpersonal violence is, engage them in exploring its underlying causes, and teach them how to avoid such behavior in favor of healthy relationships. Youth are encouraged to speak out against interpersonal violence within their own schools and communities, to create an atmosphere where violence is no longer tolerated within their social norms.

At the same time, our staff can provide educators with expert knowledge and tools to continue this dialogue and reinforce these important messages with their students. Our hope and our mission is that, through increased awareness and a proactive approach, we can all work together to stop domestic violence from ever happening in the first place.

Find Out More & Schedule a Program

Our community educators are available for single or multi-session ongoing outreach and education programs that address interpersonal violence, including bullying, dating violence and domestic violence, at schools, community organizations and community events. To find out more and to schedule a program, call Patti-Sue Brown at 860-457-4751.